You know me and my love of unboxing my decks outdoors whenever possible. For six months i've had The Llewellyn Tarot sitting on the shelf waiting for the moment we could take a little drive into Wales for the day and unbox it somewhere wonderful and fitting. Hubby decided this morning that he felt like a drive through the countryside to see some hills and mountains and even though it was raining and blowing a gale we set off just before lunch. We don't mind bad weather, there's no point moaning about it because you can still have fun even if you get soaked and frozen in the process (more on that further on). He'd investigated some time ago after i'd mentioned unboxing my deck in Wales and found out that there was a standing stone in the Brecon Beacons called Maen Llia, so that was the destination today.
On the way we came across The Old Ford in Brecon, just in time for lunch and at the most delicious lamb roast with a huge selection of vegetables. Definitely worth a visit if you're in the area and one we would easily make a trip for sometime in the future on a cold and rainy day. Cold and rainy days in the UK are the best days to enjoy a roast and glass of sherry.
After a short drive on from Brecon we arrived at the site of Maen Llia. The scenery was beautiful and remote, the rain blowing across the hillsides sideways, it really was blowing a gale but the sheep nearby were not bothered at all. Now you may ask why on earth bother with all this weather just to do an unboxing but that's just what is special to me, unboxing outdoors somewhere atmospheric. Rain pelting down we pulled on our coats and with the deck safe in a dry bag we climbed over the stile and made our way through the very sodden stretch of land between the road and the stone, squelching and screeching because we were being blown sideways while trying to walk straight. Check out my video that I took and you'll sort of get the idea.

After a quick dash back to the car, by this time soaked from the bottom down, I settled down to unwrap and unbox the deck. There was no way I would have been able to do it outside this time because of the wind, but being able to have the deck by this magnificent stone just for a few minutes was wonderful enough and unboxing in the car would be fine because the stone was in view all the time. I'm so glad to have bought this deck and even happier I waited to open it in this wild and spectacular setting. I hope you enjoy the pictures below, especially the writing in the fogged up windows and my rather fetching shopping bag that doubled as a cloth because i'd left my silk scarf at home. It all added to the joy of the moment. We had a wonderful day, good food, hilarious and magical memories. I will write a more in depth review in the weeks to come so look out for that.
Some links for you to visit,
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